I'm a User Experience Researcher exploring Human-Centric AI through the design of wellbeing technologies to promote a deeper understanding of ourselves using computer vision, ubiquitous sensing, and personal data.
Encouraging primary aged school children to reflect on their personal activity data in the classroom
ThinkActive uses inexpensive activity trackers combined with a classroom situated base station and pseudonymous avatars to engage primary school children in understanding their personal informatics data. Designed in collaboration with Newcastle United Foundation the ThinkActive system demonstrates the potential to understand activity tracking at the population level.

App Movement
A community commissioning platform to automatically generate mobile apps
App Movement enables any individual, community or organisation to propose, design and automatically generate a multi-platform mobile application. The platform enables communities to propose, design and deploy their own mobile application solutions to issues faced by their community.
A distributed community SMS donation platform inspired by the Solidarity Economy
Iris, is a system that allows sending SMS text messages to a list of subscribers through SMS donors. People supporting your organisation, group or case can sign up to become 'donors' and donate a number of their SMS messages for your cause. Every time that you need to send a text to a list of subscribers (e.g. volunteers, staff, followers etc.) you share the cost of the text messages sent.

Past Paths
A novel discovery interface for exploring online museum collections.
In collaboration with Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums, Nesta and Microsoft Research, I developed a novel discovery interface that aims to improve public access and engagement with digital heritage collections. The exploratory web platform and novel search interface has been implemented as part of the Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums’ online collections and aims to encourage people to search and discover museum content online.
Feed Finder
Enabling mothers to create community driven information resource around breastfeeding in public.
The FeedFinder app enables new mothers to locate suitable breastfeeding locations nearby. Mothers can also rate and review the places they visit and contribute to the worldwide mapping of breastfeeding friendly locations. The app is available on both iOS and Android and has 8000+ active users. The project has been developed in conjunction with NHS staff and new mothers in the North East of England.

A Social Network for the delivery of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for those living with Insomnia.
Sleepful is a social network designed to improve access to evidence-based guided self-help for insomnia. The platform delivers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in a group setting for those living with insomnia in order to promote healthy sleeping behaviours and provides both education and social connection to those also living with this condition.
Ph.D. Thesis
Designing Community Driven Participatory Platforms: Reconfiguring Roles, Resources, Infrastructure, and Constraints for Community Commissioning
Andrew Garbett, Open Lab, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, 2017 (pdf)
Full publication list can be found on Google Scholar
Towards Understanding People’s Experiences of AI Computer Vision Fitness Instructor Apps
Andrew Garbett, Ziedune Degutyte, James Hodge, Arlene Astell. In Proc. DIS 2021. ACM. (pdf)
Pre-training strategies and datasets for facial representation learning
Adrian Bulat, Shiyang Cheng, Jing Yang, Andrew Garbett, Enrique Sanchez, Georgios Tzimiropoulos. In arXiv. (pdf)
CryptoCam: Privacy Conscious Open Circuit Television
Gerard Wilkinson, Dan Jackson, Andrew Garbett, Reuben Kirkham, Kyle Montague. In arXiv. (pdf)
Weaving the Topics of CHI: Using Citation Network Analysis to Explore Emerging Trends
Clement Lee, Andrew Garbett, Junyan Wang, Bingzhang Hu, Dan Jackson. In Proc. CHI 2019. ACM. (pdf)
WhatFutures: Designing Large-Scale Engagements on WhatsApp
Daniel Lambton-Howard, Robert Anderson, Kyle Montague, Andrew Garbett, Shaun Hazeldine, Carlos Alvarez, John A. Sweeney, Patrick Olivier, Ahmed Kharrufa. In Proc. CHI 2019. ACM. (pdf)
Involving Syrian Refugees in Design Research: Lessons Learnt from the Field
Reem Talhouk, Madeline Balaam, Austin L Toombs, Andrew Garbett, Chaza Akik, Hala Ghattas, Vera Araujo-Soares, Balsam Ahmad, Kyle Montague. In Press. DIS 2019. ACM. (pdf)
Blockchain for Refugees: Current Uses, Opportunites and Considerations
Reem Talhouk, Kyle Montague, Andrew Garbett. Presented at CHI 2018 workshop on 'HCI for Blockchain: Studying, Critiquing, Designing, and Envisioning Distributed Ledger Technologies'. (pdf)
ThinkActive: Designing for Pseudonymous Activity Tracking in the Classroom
Andrew Garbett, David Chatting, Gerard Wilkinson, Clement Lee, Ahmed Kharrufa. In Proc. CHI 2018. ACM. (pdf)
A Network Epidemic Model for Online Community Commissioning Data
Clement Lee, Andrew Garbett, Darren J. Wilkinson. In Statistics and Computing 2018. Springer. (pdf)
"Protection on that Erection?": Discourses of Accountability & Compromising Participation in Digital Sexual Health
Matthew Wood, Andrew Garbett, Kellie Morrissey, Peter Hopkins, Madeline Balaam. In Proc. CHI 2018. ACM. (pdf)
Care and Connect: Exploring Dementia-friendliness Through an Online Community Commissioning Platform
Kellie Morrissey, Andrew Garbett, Edward Jenkins, Patrick Olivier, Pete Wright, Katie Brittain. In Proc. CHI 2017. ACM. (pdf)
Experiences of Delivering a Public Health Data Service
Emma Simpson, Robert Comber, Andrew Garbett, Edward Jenkins, Madeline Balaam. In Proc. CHI 2017. ACM. (pdf)
On Speculative Enactments
Chris Elsden, David Chatting, Andrew Garbett, Bettina Nissen, David Kirk, John Vines, Abigail Durrant. In Proc. CHI 2017. ACM. (pdf)
Factors Important For Women Who Breastfeed in Public: A Content Analysis of Review Data from FeedFinder
Emma Simpson, Andrew Garbett, Robert Comber, Madeline Balaam. In BMJ Open. BMJ Publishing Group. (pdf)
App Movement: A Platform for Community Commissioning of Mobile Applications
Andrew Garbett, Robert Comber, Ed Jenkins, Patrick Olivier. In Proc CHI 2016. ACM. (pdf)
Metadating: Exploring the Romance and Future of Personal Data
Chris Elsden, Bettina Nissen, Andrew Garbett, David Chatting, David S. Kirk, John Vines. In Proc. CHI 2016. ACM. (pdf)
App Movement: Collaborative Design of Mobile Applications for Communities
Andrew Garbett, Ed Jenkins, Robert Comber, Patrick Olivier. Presented at CHI 2016 Workshop on 'Crowd Dynamics: Exploring Conflicts and Contradictions in Crowdsourcing'. (pdf)
I Don’t Know What I’m Looking For: Better Understanding Public Usage and Behaviours with Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums Online Collections
John Coburn, Andrew Garbett, Phil Gossett, Richard Harper, Peter Wright. In Proc. Museums and the Web 2016. (pdf)
FeedFinder: A Location-mapping Mobile Application for Breastfeeding Women
Madeline Balaam, Robert Comber, Ed Jenkins, Andrew Garbett. In Proc CHI 2015. ACM. (pdf)
Finding Real People: Trust and Diversity in the Interface Between Professional and Citizen Journalists
Andrew Garbett, Robert Comber, Paul Egglestone, Maxine Glancy, Patrick Olivier. In Proc. CHI 2014. ACM. (pdf)
Fearsquare: Hacking Open Crime Data to Critique, Jam and Subvert the 'Aesthetic of Danger'
Andrew Garbett, Jamie Wardman, Ben Kirman, Conor Linehan, Shaun Lawson. In Proc HCI Korea 2014. ACM. (pdf)
Validating a Mobile Phone Application for the Everyday, Unobtrusive, Objective Measurement of Sleep
Shaun Lawson, Sue Jamison-Powell, Andrew Garbett, Conor Linehan, Erica Kucharczyk, Sanne Verbaan, Duncan Rowland, Kevin Morgan. In Proc CHI 2014. ACM. (pdf)
How Dangerous is Your Life? Personalising Government Open Crime Data
Andrew Garbett, Conor Linehan, Ben Kirman, Jamie Wardman, Shaun Lawson. Presented at ACM CHI 2012 Workshop on Personal Informatics in Practice: Improving Quality of Life Through Data. (pdf)
I Can't Get No Sleep: Discussing #insomnia on Twitter
Sue Jamison-Powell, Conor Linehan, Laura Daley, Andrew Garbett, Shaun Lawson. In Proc CHI 2012. ACM. (pdf)
Conferences & Events
June - Chain Re:Action: Feminist Thinking & Community Economies in Blockchain (Glasgow, UK)
May - ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing 2019 (Glasgow, UK)
Feb - Fuse Event: Exploring Government Open Data to Promote Breastfeeding (Newcastle, UK)
Jan - UK GOV Distributed Ledger Technology Community of Interest (London, UK)
Sept - T3 Tech Innovation for the Future Awards (London, UK)
Sept - T3 Tech Innovation Forum (Newcastle, UK)
April - ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing 2018 (Montreal, Canada)
June - 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (Troyes, France)
June - 4th European Solidarity Economy Congress (Athens, Greece)
May - National Workers Education Association "Get Connected" membership event (Newcastle, UK)
Jan - CHERISH Digital Economy Centre Networking Event (Swansea, UK)
Dec - Remake a Museum: Great North Museum Design Challenge Hack Event (Newcastle, UK)
June - Foundation for Art and Creative Technology: Designing Digital Now Exhibition (Liverpool, UK)
May - ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing 2016 (San Jose, USA)
March - The Creative Exchange All Hands Meet (Lancaster, UK)
Feb - International Development Conference 2016 (Newcastle, UK)
Dec - Digital Economy "Connected Nation: Thriving in a Digital World" at British Library (London, UK)
Dec - Dementia Friendly Communities Annual Conference (Newcastle, UK)
Nov - The Creative Exchange: Driving Value and Business Innovation through Collaboration at House of Commons (London, UK)
July - British HCI (Lincoln, UK)
May - Create4Dementia Hack Event (Newcastle, UK)
May - ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing (Seoul, Korea)
March - The Impacts of Civic Technology Conference 2015 (London, UK)
July - Digital Democracy: Alive to Engagement (Cardiff, UK)
June - ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video (Newcastle, UK)
May - ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing (Toronto, Canada)
Nov - Rewired State Parliament Hackathon #Parlihack2013 (London, UK)
Oct - BBC #NewsHack2013 Hack Event (London, UK)
Sept - The Creative Exchange: Knowledge Exchange Conference (Lancaster, UK)
May - ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing (Paris, France)
Sept - HCI2012 People and Computers XXVI (Birmingham, UK)
May - ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing (Austin, USA)